Division Orders

A Division Order is an instrument used by Kirkpatrick and other companies for the purpose of directing the payment of proceeds from the sale of oil and gas. Among other matters, the owner therein warrants in writing his or her decimal interest in the well and his or her name, address and tax identification number. The Division Order contains a provision requiring notice of change of ownerships. When executed, this document enables the first purchaser of the production or the holder of proceeds to make payment directly to the rightful owner. It does not relieve the lessee of any liabilities or obligations under the owner’s oil and gas lease.

Prior to completing and returning your Division Order to Kirkpatrick, please confirm that all of the information set forth therein is current and correct.

For more information, please contact us at: DivisionOrders@kirkpatrickoil.com and provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Address (optional)
  • Telephone Number
  • Reason for Inquiry